The greatest minds.
World-leading research.
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Image credit: Blake Russell - Lak Lab & Packer Lab - University of Oxford
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About Us
Cortex Club is a student-led society based at the University of Oxford. We host a unique educational forum, providing a platform to showcase innovative research and techniques from the world’s leading neuroscientists.
Great innovations in science happen when ideas can be shared, criticized, and ultimately improved. Our mission is to create a fertile ground for innovations to bloom, in discussion sessions led by internationally prominent speakers. Our events are neither as specialized as journal clubs or research seminars, nor as basic as university lectures, but instead deal with advanced topics in neuroscience in an informal and speculative manner.
Daniel Reumann on Reverse Engineering the Brain: From Stem Cells to Neurons to Circuits in a Dish (17/2/25)
Marcelo Mattar on Modelling Human Planning and Hippocampal Replay with an RNN that "Thinks" (12/2/25)
Kenneth Harris on Nonsense Correlations in Neuroscience (6/2/25)